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Unlike some of our rival cleaning companies, Green Choice does not outsource its jobs to independent workers who invariably work on commission, and hence, quote much higher price estimates. When you select Green Choice Carpet Cleaning Chelsea NYC you’re guaranteed you will be met by a certified in-house technician that’s been trained to ensure your satisfaction.
While green cleaning services are, on average, more costly than harmful conventional solutions, Green Choice Carpet Cleaning Chelsea NYC tries to keep prices low. By creating our own personalized organic cleaning solution we’ve proudly been able to provide our customers the safest carpet and rug cleaning services at a fraction of the price. To read more about our Green Cleaning Products, and how they offer a safer alternative to traditional cleaning solutions, our website is full of information on our green cleaning methods.
Our Chelsea NYC location is open for business seven days a week, 24 hours a day. But feel free to give us a call anytime. We always have a secretary standing by for emergency situations, so don’t hesitate to call if you’re in urgent need of assistance.